Week in Review
72 Miles
7 Runs | 1 day off | 1 Lift day | 1 strides session
12.5M with 12x800m @ 244-254, 30s rest, 234-244, 2:00 rest
13M with 6M progression from 715-555 on hilly
21M long run in 7:10 pace
While on paper this week might not necessarily look like a true “down” week, it certainly felt like one. Despite two workouts during the work week and a time-on-feet long run, two runs were less than 6 miles in distance, which felt glorious. Those shorter runs, combined with a day off, allowed me to take the the foot off the gas and focus a bit more on rest and recovery. I’ve been battling a bit of a cough and chest congestion, so the lighter week of training was planned as a result.
Tuesday night’s 800m repeat session was pretty exhilarating out on Stanford’s Track with PDC. Seven of us created a long train, alternated leads and (mostly) stayed together for the majority of the workout. It’s pretty rare that all of us have the same workout at the same paces, but that night the stars aligned and we thrived off the energy of the group. On the cool down, I couldn’t help but wish I were actually doing a fast half in this buildup. I feel surprisingly strong and fast, which is rare in the middle of a marathon training cycle.
Not pictured: JOB
I capped off the week with a mini progression tempo through the mountains of Los Altos Hills on Friday, followed by an easy long run Sunday. Even though Jenna and I can’t work out during the week because of scheduling issues, it’s been a real treat to do all of these long runs with her before she heads off to Seattle. On top of that, we’ve had a huge crew of at least 6+ people at all of our long runs in 2020. Sunday’s run was no different, as Mara, Max, Brent, Amy, Tom, Olivia and JOB all met up at Sawyer Camp Trail to run along the beautiful backdrop of the San Andreas fault. Seriously, these long runs are made so much better with company and I’m super grateful that everyone takes the time to drive to these spots to run as a group.
I spent the rest of the day Sunday prepping meals for the upcoming week — a blueberry oatmeal bake, Thai curry lentil soup, and potato + kale frittata. I’ll eat variations of these meals throughout the week.