Week in Review

This week's stats:

  • 44 Miles
  • 6 runs
  • 13.2M easy MLR
  • 1 day off
  • 2 Lift days
  • 3 days in Plano, TX for work travel

Well, the first week coming back after 12 days off post Chicago Marathon was about as rough as you'd imagine.  My body felt like a foreign object that I had absolutely no control over.  But, I continued to put one step in front of the other for six days this week, slowly piecing together a week of decent mileage. 

The main motivator to get out the door was to connect with my friends.  Since I had not run with Jenna in over four months since she gave birth to sweet little Ollie, it was special to connect again through miles on the bay trail. 

During my time off, I had lofty goals.  I had a goal of starting a free one-week trial at Core Power Yoga.  I did not.  I had a goal to start lifting twice a week.  I did.  I had a goal of going to the Planet Granite ab class.  I did not.  So, I felt glad that I achieve one of those goals.  Anyways, taking time off post marathon is about relaxing and catching up on being lazy.  :-)